
  • World Cities Day: adapting cities to climate resilience

    World Cities Day: adapting cities to climate resilience

    Not only Halloween, on the 31st of October we celebrate the World Cities Day too! The past 50 years have seen a particularly rapid increase in urbanization trends across the globe. According to the UN Urbanization Prospects, by 2050 more than two-thirds of the world population will live in urban areas. Established in 2013 by…

  • A new rule for greener cities

    A new rule for greener cities

    Photo: Charles Parker (Pexels) The 3-30-300 rule is an easy yet promising tool to guide urban forestry programmes, and design greener and more inclusive cities. Urbanization and environmental degradation trends have been increasing exponentially in the last few decades, forcing us to rethink the way we plan and interact with urban environments. Within this framework,…

  • Benefits and challenges of urban forests

    Benefits and challenges of urban forests

    Urban forests promote greener and healthier cities, but their implementation still face many challenges. The term urban forest refers to all the tree and shrubs present in urban areas, including trees in yards and in the streets, protected green areas, and urban or linear parks. Urban forests are the most evident form of green infrastructure…

Urban forestry updates from our Alliance members