
Join the world’s first network of urban forestry innovators linking emerging Uforest solutions to their education and professional needs! Create connections with researchers, professionals, students, entrepreneurs and many other people working in public or private sectors, and find out more about urban forestry and related fields.

In this section, you will be able to join the Uforest alliance, connect with its members, and share your news, publications and events on urban forestry.

Help us improve knowledge and promote innovation in urban forestry!

We are looking for the following, operating, or interested, in the thematic sectors of Uforest:



Urban forestry private enterprises and solutions interested in innovating the sector and create new connections.



Public bodies

Public administration, city councils and municipalities dealing with planning and green spaces in urban area.



Urban forestry enthusiasts: students, researchers and professors and many more!

Any questions? Please contact us at

Activity Working Package (WP): WP6

Connect with top experts, researchers, and practitioners of urban forestry and learn more about nature-based solutions for cities. Explore the map and find people to contact and share ideas with. Be inspired by urban forestry initiatives around the word and help us foster innovation in this sector.

Would you like to share news and publications on urban forestry or promote an event to support knowledge and training in this sector? Members of the alliance will be able to send their latest reports and articles and promote their activities on urban forestry. Not a member yet? Apply throught the form in this page!