Urban Ashes

is part of the Uforest Alliance connecting individuals and organizations in Uforest activities!

  • Description

  • Join As: Organization
  • Name: Paul
  • Surname: Hickman
  • Organisation Name: Urban Ashes
  • Main Sector: private
  • Specific Sector: other
  • City: Ann Arbor
  • Country: United States
  • Website: http://urbanashes.com/
  • Social: https://www.linkedin.com/company/urban-ashes/
  • Description: Utilizing urban wood to its highest and best use at the end of an urban tree’s life, is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of the full cycle of urban forestry. In the US alone we miss out on the opportunity to continue to sequester between about 4.8 and 6.4 million metric tonnes of carbon each year that is contained in what could be quality urban lumber. Instead, like the majority of the world we chip, burn or landfill it, quickly releasing all that carbon as CO2 back into our atmosphere. We would like to help learn more about European practices to help address this issue there as well.
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Uforest can only be held responsible for responding to questions and applications sent directly to the email info@uforest.eu and through the Alliance Map form. The project seeks to foster communication and exchange of knowledge between network members however it is not responsible for such interactions, or lack thereof. Please report any suspected misconduct to info@uforest.eu.

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