Urban Forestry InsightsEducating the future urban foresters

City of Trees – An inspirational package for pre-teens on the benefits of Urban Forests and urban trees Cities worldwide are facing environmental problems and commit towards a more sustainable development. To achieve this, we have to change the way we organise our societies. Education is a prerequisite for this change. Today, helping students to …

Urban Forestry InsightsUrban forestry interventions in Italy: between technical administrative procedures and implementation

What are the administrative procedures involving an urban forestry project? How is the administrative work – indispensable from seed to tree – organised? While the technical aspects of urban and periurban forestry are commonly known by technicians, the administrative work behind it is often less familiar. With no claim of being exhaustive, in this article …

Urban Forestry InsightsInnovative buildings for more sustainable cities

Architects and urban planners around the world are trying to find innovative solutions to bring nature back to cities. With more and more people becoming aware of the benefits of nature in everyday’s life, the need for vegetation and green spaces in urban areas is increasing. Creating parks and greenways might seem like the most …

Urban Forestry InsightsA new rule for greener cities

Photo: Charles Parker (Pexels) The 3-30-300 rule is an easy yet promising tool to guide urban forestry programmes, and design greener and more inclusive cities. Urbanization and environmental degradation trends have been increasing exponentially in the last few decades, forcing us to rethink the way we plan and interact with urban environments. Within this framework, …

Urban Forestry InsightsBenefits and challenges of urban forests

Urban forests promote greener and healthier cities, but their implementation still face many challenges. The term urban forest refers to all the tree and shrubs present in urban areas, including trees in yards and in the streets, protected green areas, and urban or linear parks. Urban forests are the most evident form of green infrastructure …

Urban Forestry InsightsThe trends of our time: drivers and solutions

Climate change, digital innovation, raising inequalities. These are just some of the megatrends that have been shaping our world. On the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, the UN Economist Network published a report reviewing the main trends that have been shaping our world for the past decades. The Network identifies five megatrends: …

Urban Forestry InsightsForest and wellbeing

Forest and Wellbeing: Bridging Medical and Forest Research for Effective Forest-Based Initiatives This review, a result of the collaboration between the University of Padova and Etifor, gives an overview of existing literature on the emerging topic of human wellbeing-forest contact nexus and provides a preliminary framework linking forests to wellbeing by highlighting key variables affecting this relationship. …